I”m very wary of promulgating the “political correctness gone mad” meme, as it is so often a lazy reactionary knee-jerk response to changing times, but I could not resist tweeting about the news that a British police force launched an investigation after a man claimed he had been the victim of a "hate crime" when... a branch of the Post Office refused to accept his Scottish banknote. This incident has now indeed entered our official statistics as a hate crime. Frankly, this is mental. Scottish banknotes are not legal tender, even in Scotland , as I have explained before . The Post Office is no more obliged to accept a Scottish Fiver than it is to accept Euros, gold or cowrie shells. The story did, however, cause me to reflect on what will happen when, post-Brexit, Scotland votes to leave the UK. Will Scotland then join the euro or create its own currency? As supporters of Scottish independence insist, once Scotland becomes an independent country, it will be responsible for...