Policy Exchange, which calls itself Britain’s leading think-tank, has published a report called “ The Border Audit ” (written by David Goodhart and Dr. Richard Norrie) which has a number of recommendations for post-Brexit Britain. They include the introduction of ESTAs for visitors, just as they have in the US, and some form of ID system. The report comments on the ID card system being developed for the 3.6m EU citizens expected to remain in the UK after March 2019 and suggests that this system become a trial run for an "initially voluntary system for UK citizens”. Since ID cards are the hallmark of the continental superstate that Breixt Britain hopes to avoid, it seems quite unlikely that the British government will go down such a path. The report might, however, stimulate the revisiting of a much better idea and a much better vision for the independent UK. Commenting on the report for the BBC, David Goodhart said that “we strongly recommend reopening the debate about ID manag...