xxx The top 10 accounts that innovators follow are: 1. Richard Branson (@richardbranson), founder of Virgin Group 2. Marc Andreessen (@pmarca), entrepreneur, investor and software engineer 3. Benedict Evans (@benedictevans), partner at Andreessen Horowitz 4. Glen Gilmore (@GlenGilmore), attorney and principle of Gilmore Business Network 5. Scott Kirsner (@ScottKirsner), Boston Globe columnist, and editor of Innovation Leader 6. Henry Blodget (@hblodget), editor, founder and CEO of Business Insider 7. Bill Gates (@BillGates), co-founder of Microsoft 8. Andrew McAfee (@amcafee), director of the Center for Digital Business at MIT’s Sloan School of Management 9. Sam Maule (@sammaule), manager at Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group and chief inspiration officer at Digital Finance Institute 10. David Birch (@dgwbirch), author and Consult Hyperion’s director The top 10 publications from which innovators share content include YouTube, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, TechCru...