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CHYP Forum 1998

...........the second Consult Hyperion seminar on.......... .............. D I G I T A L ... M O N E Y ................ The Tower Thistle Hotel London March 8-9th 1999 in association with Financial Times Virtual Finance Report DEMOS E-Finance Forum with a keynote address by Sir Richard Body, M.P. and a special presentation by Tim Jones, Managing Director Retail Banking, NatWest. ..................Confirmed Programme..................... Day One: Economic & Business Issues Chair Duncan Goldie-Scot Editor, Financial Times Virtual Finance Report Keynote Address: European Multiple Currencies Sir Richard Body, M.P. Digital Money is a Social Issue David Birch, Director, Consult Hyperion. The European Digital Money Picture Dag Fjortoft, Deputy General Manager, Europay International. Telecommunication Service Providers as Payment Operators Norman Bishop, Product Manager for Micropayments and E-Cash, BT. Retailing and Digital Currencies Paul Arnold, Head of Tesco Direct. The European Mass Market: Digital TV's Requirements for Digital Money Richard Cass, Transactional Commerce Manager, British Interactive Broadcasting Digital Money and Digital Phones: Europe's Advantage Tim Baker, Wireless Marketing Comms. Manager, Gemplus Transforming Businesses with Digital Money John Noakes, Business Manager for E-Commerce & Supply Chain, Microsoft UK. Day Two: Regulatory & Technical Issues Chair Ian Christie Deputy Director, DEMOS A Legal Pespective on Digital Money in Europe Conor Ward, Partner in Computers, Communications & Media, Lovell White Durrant. A View from the European Commission Philippe Lefebrve, Head of Sector in Financial Systems, European Commission DGIII. The Technologies of Digital Money Marcus Hooper, Principal Payments Technologist, IBM United Kingdom. Visa and Digital Money Jon Prideaux, Executive VP New Products (EU Region), Visa International. Making Digital Money Work. Tim Jones, Managing Director of Retail Banking, National Westminster Bank plc. Experiences from an Operational Micropayment Scheme Nigel Moloney, Senior Manager in Emerging Markets Group, Barclays Bank. Mondex: A Status Report Victoria Mejevitch, Mondex Product Manager, Mondex International. The Common Electronic Purse Specification (CEPS) Daniel Skala, Executive VP for Sales, Proton World International. .....................Administration......................... The detailed programme is on line at The seminar costs 995 pounds Sterling per person excluding VAT. The fee includes the seminar, documentation, meals, a cocktail party and various materials (books, CD-ROM etc). For further information or to reserve a place please contact Ms. Gill Louise Viccario, International Conference Bureau Tel: +44 (0) 181 858 3370 Fax: +44 (0) 1295 271700 <> <> ============================================================


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