I was amazed to hear at Vendorcom that 30% of population's income doesn't get reconciled at HMRC and DWP for reasons such as they only handle RTI from BACS and lots of people use faster payments.
Now I understand! Having recently had occasion to send money to HMRC, I was very surprised to receive a threatening letter from them a month or so later. I can't remember exactly what it said, but it was something along the lines of "we've giving up on chasing Google and Richard Branson, so if you don't send us tenner the boys are coming round to sort you out". Shocked, I logged on to my HMRC business account to see that it said that a) I owed them the tenner and b) I'd sent them a tenner that was sitting there "unallocated". I phoned up and the nice woman up North somewhere said that she would "allocate" the tenner to the money I owed them and it was all good. Afterwards, I did wonder why they thought I'd sent them a tenner (ie, was it for no reason, as they seem to have assumed, or was it in payment for the tenner I owed them).
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